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I have never believed in that theory. Reason being,.. is that how you wash you body in the shower ? I dont anyway. The bottom of the car gets the most dirt, sand, grit, tar, road grime, salt, ect..., the problem is, if you use your mit on the bottom first, you can carry all of that to the top as you wash, even if you rinse it well first to begin with. Not only taking the dirt with you to the top but, possibly scratching the paint also. As long as you just lightly spray the car down as you go, keeping it wet, it's not a problem.
A "water trap" for a air compressor is simply a canistor attached to the outlet hose or regulator to trap water produced by the heated air that the compressor produces. Their is a valve on the bottom you can loosen to drain the water, just like on the bottom of the compressor. It saves your tools as well as keeping water out of your paint spray guns. Very important ! If you don't have one, spend some extra dough & get a good one, it will be well spent.
The water blade is made or sold by the co. selling the "California car duster" I believe there are others out there. The blade is 100% pure silicone, which won't scratch your paint. It's great except where the cobra has so many contures, it can be hard to use at first. In the flatter places, it's perfect. One swipe, your water & spot free.