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A trick I learned from another post was to use 2" blue painters tape in the valley's running from the trunk to the cockpit. I take a piece of tape about 24" long and starting at the rear of the door jamb, run the tape, sticky side toward the rear, along the contour of the body toward the high point in the rear of the cockpit. I then do the same thing on the other side and finally take one more piece to tie the two sides together along the top. This also works well above the dashboard, to capture any water running from the front. BTW, the tape stands up vertically and creates a dam.
Rather than a chamois, I use a microfiber cloth designed for absorbing water from Zaino. This is after using a mitt with Zaino's car wash soap. Sponges trap dirt - these cloths do not. Washed the car after STTL's rain showers when I got home - it looks like new. Yes I use Zaino's wax.