Fellow Cobraphiles:
The first Saturday of the month is upon us, and it is time for the fifth (yes the fifth!) BACC West Bay cruise-in at Bajis' cafe in Mountain View. Our first get-together back on 7/24 saw a huge turnout, and since then we have had equally entertaining get-togethers on 8/7, 9/11, and 10/2. Since we are into the cooler months here in the Bay Area, we no longer have to "compete" with all of the summer car shows, track days and automotive events - so I expect a good turnout this weekend!!
So.....bundle-up, wear a hat, bring a friend, and drive on over to Bajis' cafe this Saturday morning for some snakes and eggs. We'll see you there.
We'll see you at 8:00AM.
Bajis' Down the Street Cafe'
2423 Old Middlefieid Way
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone (650) 967-7477
Fax (650) 967-4420