Hi there Jase, I am glad to see there is another guy looking into Cobra's.
Welcome to the club and dont be afraid to ask questions, (god knows I ask plenty).
I was in your shoes about 3 years ago and looking into kits, for my $0.02 worth the better 2 kits are Classic Revival & the Harrison kits.
It really depends on what you want the car to do, if all your after is a car that looks like a Cobra then the cheapest options are the DRB useing Torana & the G Force kit useing toyota crown.
If you want a car that "should" turn into a decent handleing and driveing car then I think you really need IRS and in my opinion the Jag rear is really not as good as others. (I am gunna get shot to pieces here)
My main reason for chooseing the Classic Revival kit over the Harrison one is that the Harrison kit comes with the body bonded onto the chassis, I wanted the chassis to be seperate.
You can build the Classic Revival car by purchaseing the chassis and body, buy your own series 3 jag front (you only use the wishbones, uprights and brakes) I bought complete front for $200
(be sure to get the correct upper arms)
It uses AU falcon IRS in the rear that can be purchased new or from the wreckers (I got mine of ebay for $1000 from a XR6)
The engine choice may turn out to be the hardest part as the choices are limited by what your engineer will aprove.
I have seen Classic Revival cars with gen III, 308 injected engine & 302/347. (you could not use the 308 now as engineer will not approve)
The only other items you will have to get from Ian are the pedals and possably dash panel (you can make your own, but his are good and very reasonably priced)
All the rest of the gear is best bought new and from wherever you get the best deal.
Hope this helps with your choices and I wasnt trying to sound biased but I know I am.
P.s dont be afraid to join the dark side, our numbers are growing.