This may sound extreme but..
I build up a 'B' model 1932 Ford replica. Bodies are available in steel in the States.
I run a repro. chassis using pressed rails and the side valve 8 cylinder engine and gearbox. Everything else is as original reproduction and purchased from Drake, Thompson and Flood etc.
I take it into the registration office. No engineers report only a roadworthy in my hand and proof of purchase of the body.
It is registered as a 1932 Ford roadster.
Can it happen.
Well it can and has happened in Victoria at Vicroads this year..
Makes you wonder...
I sold my 1937 Ford convert. to the glass guy at Duece Customs a few years back. He took it in with a roadworthy, no questions asked and registered it in his name.
Just luck..
Then there is a 1956 Chev with a jet engine driving around..