Now now body is not floppy....well...not all of it anyways
Not had a lot of time lately...but had good run a while back....doin body stuff now and let me tell ya....RMC takes a bit.
All wiring redone with new painless fuse box...all works even.
New dash moulded and all gauges fitted
New tremec 600 RR box now fitted behind the 351W block..... so doin mounts for that soon. That block is brand new and not even got an engine number.
Have cut the RMC scoop out of bonnet and have to reglass the two skins of the bonnet together. More original scoop will be riveted on.
After that I'll refit the 302 and T5 and then blow a coloured epoxy primer for rego.
After's build the 393 ...stamp it with the 302 engine number and blow the final finish.
Daughter just got married and that has consumed a pile of my disposable foldin stuff.
Easy hey, all I need is more time and folding stuff? ..just wait till ya daughter gets married and you'll soon find out what expense is all about.