And the more I think about it the more insane it is! This kind of legislation can only be applied to NEW cars, so anyone who buys a second hand car will still have a speedo that reads upwards of 200km/hr. And who buys the most second hand cars, the very people that the legislation is aimed at! MORONIC!
On top of that, the car will still go beyond 130km/hr - whats worse? Not knowing what speed you're doing above 130km/hr, or knowing what speed your doing!?
And what are you going to do if someone swaps the 130km/hr speedo that they registered the car with a 300km/hr speedo in their new Cobra? Fine them? With what? There's no proof that they've been speeding. There's no proof that they're intending to speed. They've just got exactly what some person who goes out and buys a second hand skyline has!
And what about emissions! I mean there is nothing stopping me from going out and buying a 30 year old datsun tomorrow that consumes more
oil than petrol and would not pass ANY emissions test. Yet I cannot REBUILD a 40 year old engine that I would lovingly rebuild, look after and sleep with if I could, and then install it in a car that would, realistically only be used every other day! I can assure anyone that I would take better car of my 427 than any of those old ladies do of their bloody "
oil burning, thick smoke producing, mobile chicanes".
I hate the government!