Check my photo gallery, the trim on the Turkey Pan is for looks. It is actually automotive trim. Not functional on sealing the pan to the bottom of the hood.
Canton came out with some new gaskets last year and I used them with their pan and windage tray, no leaks yet. One thing I did is go back with a 1/4" drive where possible and snug the pan down again after 3 good heat cycles, used a box end where I had too. Tighten from the center out, be carefull don't over tighten each time. I also used a little silicone RTV sealant with my gaskets, Permatex high tempterature black.
Have had good luck with the FellPro rubber valve cover gaskets and no sealant. Works with the Pentroof steel valve covers, have had 3 different set on.
Emblem placement on the trunk varied , I have seen three different placements on original cars