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"Poopheadbob"...!? Oh well, as long as the ink is thoroughly dry on the money when you deposit it... who cares what he goes by. He's getting a beautiful car. The fact that yours sold so quickly among a sea of 'for sale' cobras is testiment. Todd's car is another hot buy. Whoever gets it is getting a solid deal.
I propose we form an auxillary org... "former NW Cobra Club owners who now pilot other forms of cool transportation but who still like Cobras and enjoy the people who drive them." OK, maybe that's a bogus title but you get the idea. We already have the seed of said group... you and the flamed bike, Todd and the Maser, me and the modified Healey... any more? Does Steve Rauch still have his car? He could always provide the Ferrari fix.
I"m starting to meet people down here who drive a variety of cars... Stingrays, Alfas, street rods... and Cobras. We're forming a kind of informal all marques car "club." Not a bad idea. I remember how fun it was following that Ferrari through the twisties on the Idaho run. In the final analysis, it's more about the laughs and the friendships than the cars themselves. For that reason, I hope we can continue having a joint car/bike adventure at least once a year.
Regards to all...
"Where the hell is Waldo"
Bend, Oregon
Former owner of "Crosley" the slabside, current owner of "Roswell" the 327 powered Healey 100