The other guys are right - Judicous application of throttle is key. Another thing is that these cars, being as light as they are, have a tendancy to "wash out" when going around a corner or curve and encountering any washboard or rough surface. Know the roads you drive on the same way that you would if you were riding a motorcycle.
I would also advise that you take your car to a couple of local Auto-Crosses to learn how to drive it with the power down.
We will be holding a race and possibly an HPDE at Brainerd International Raceway over Memorial Day weekend. In the HPDE or HPCCC (High Performance Car Control Clinic) - we will pair up owner/drivers with seasoned instructors for some high speed touring around the track. We are also contemplating putting on an Auto Cross as well during the same weekend.
Keep checking the website for more information:
Welcome to the family!