Bruce,. I did not Buy my car for investment purposes. I bought it to fill a void and to derive pleasure. The fact that it increased in Value is only a Bonus. Let the next guy who buys my car be the one who Laughs all the way to the Bank. I am just looking to Fill the next desired vehicle with a CSX4000 series car. to do that, I must create a Void in my Garage where the GT500 is parked to finance the venture!!

My good friend Steve Trevison sold a 67 GT500 in 1998 that was a Trailer perfect Concours car. He pulled a whopping $30K. He did good for himself as he had enjoyed the Car for years and turned a Nice profit upon the cars sale. Today that car in that condition properly marketed would undoubtedly get into the $100K+ club. He is not kicking himself. What I am faced with is the Fact that life is too short to not do what you enjoy. I was at a car show today and watched as people stopped and stared at my car and pointed and asked questions. I usually step back and act like another curious onlooker myself. These shows are a Fun time for me and my 6 year old Car nut son. I want a COBRA, but the downside of a Cobra today versus my GT500 was the sudden Downpour! I would not have been able to sit in my Cobra and stay out of that Mess for 30 minutes like I did in the GT500!! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and look forward to getting together again when the weather breaks- Dave