Originally posted by Keith Lyles
Understand your feelings. Filled my Cobra void by purchasing an SPF 2 years ago. Thought about selling 1 of the Shelbys because of a parking crunch but the real struggle was which one to sell, Big Block or Small Block? Decised it was too hard, (cars have been in the family 15 years) so it was easier just to keep them and pass them down through the family. May get even harder if my buddy decides to sell his 66 Gt-350. I asked for 1st dibs when and if it ever comes up for sale. Make sure the CSX car is everything you want and expect. Once you have sold the GT-500 if may be a lot harder to get back into the game.
I have plenty of Parking, it is all about the CASH that I can tie up in a Toy right now. I know all about the rising price of SHELBY's. I did just come in to a 69 Mach1 351 4V 4 Speed car one owner car that was a very good friends vehicle. The emotional attachment to that car is a strong one and will help me scratch my Mustang itch when it comes along! Thanks for your insight Kevin.