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I've researched the licensing situation pretty thoroughly. I'm in a DEQ area (Jackson County) as you are and I didn't want an unpleasant surprise.
A Cobra reproduction qualifies as a replica under ORS 801.425: "...a vehicle with a body built to resemble and be a reproduction of another vehicle of a given year and given manufacturer." It is simply titled as a replica under ORS 803.015(12). It doesn't matter when the vehicle was built or what year the engine block was built. The applicable emission standards are those in effect for the year of the engine, as defined by the model year that the car replicates. In other words, we skate through without testing - there wasn't any in the Sixties. I've confirmed this by speaking with the manager of the local DEQ test facility. So you just visit DMV, pay for the license, and you're good to go.
Have fun looking for car.