The bolt pattern is chevy/jag not ford. 4.75 bolt circle according to ERA.
Front wheel is 8" wide and 4" backspace. Almost new Yokohama AVS Intermediate Zrated tires (great on track but poor on cold 40deg days!) 245-50-16
Rear wheel is 9" wide and 4" backspace Practically bald Yokohama AVS Intermediate Zrated tire. 255-50-16 (a 275-50-16 tire fills out the fender better on my ERA car)
I have a set of huge 1" spacers for them too that can be included for another $50 if they are helpfull to anyone.
thanks for asking.
here's a pic of my new wheels(not for sale
Total cost out the door turned out to be $1930. Not a bad deal for wheels and tires. They don't look as cool at my torq thrusts but they are more accurate and will stop teenagers from spiiting at me in kirkland.