Well I hadn't had SPF #1981 outa the garage for about 3 weeks it was raining and raining and raining, just last weekend put 4 coats of Zaino on and put the cover on. Thinking that I should call the insurance Co and drop the liability for the winter, But I knew that I might just get back out before the snow and salt started flying, Plus, I needed to top up the fuel tank, but keeping in the back of my mind that once it was 81 degrees in Ohio on Dec 21, and this was only the 8th, so maybe just maybe we would have another nice day to drive, you see this is my first Cobra and have only been able to put on a little over 700 miles, and I am a big guy, and there is just no way I can get into and outa this thing with the soft top on, so those 700 miles have mostly been with sun and much higher temps, and NO RAIN( even though you all been telling me don't worry, you will only get wet if you stop)the short term forecast is for the temps to drop into the 30's tomorrow and snow and salt, so here I am at work, and its 11:30 and I look outside and although it's cloudy, it's dry and about 47 degrees & supposed to hit 50, well the phone only rang once this AM so I'm thinking this may be the Last Ride?? So it's off to the barn, uncover the car, drive outside and sit while the fluids warm up, damn this thing sure sounds great, the neighbors dog is barking at me, or maybe the car? OK the tank is half full, I wanted to fill it anyway, so off to Shell for some V-Power, maybe I should stop by Newell's place and get him, he would go I know, but I saw a lot of cars there on the way to the barn, probably customers , and he would just go nuts if I pulled in, Oh the heck with him, he needs to get his own, besides he never has any scotch! So where to go, oh yeah this is great, a little chilly, but hey I got some new lambskin driving gloves, boy wish they didn't have all the holes in the back, hmmmn wonder if they make these things in winter version, so I know, I can go up to the Condo at Lake Erie, and well, get my huh toenail clipper yeah, sure that's where it is, I'll just go there and even look at the Lake I know it hasn't frozen yet, right? So Off we go, know what? there's no more bugs splatting on the windscreen, I guess they all died, or went somewhere, maybe Miami for the winter, I 've heard of Snowbirds, but hey why not Snowbugs, Oh well anyone who spends their winters in Miami deserves to have all our bugs, after all they don't get any snow and salt, Hmmn wonder where my forehead is , I can't feel it anymore, and those darn trucks why do they have to go so fast the other way, my hat keeps fluttering, and I know if It blows off I am dead, you lose more heat out thru your head than anywhere, OK just grab the hat each time a truck goes by. they should really slow down, WOW somebody cleaned out the barn, man does that smell like frozen cow crap or what, OK if I only go about 65 the hat stays on, but above that it starts to lift, maybe I can figure a way to fix a wing to it, why is that train just sitting across the crossing doesn't he know that it's cold here all except for my right foot, it's been on fire for the last 40 miles since the heater is set on highasitwillpossiblygo Setting and the fan on #3, Maybe I should just turn around, but I'm only 25 miles away from the Lake, and you never know this may be the last ride, or maybe it's the fact that the front half of my brain now has no life and I'm not thinking well now, what ever , this will make a nice story, so let's keep going, Got to grab a few gears from the last light, but only up to 65 can't lose the hat! and been getting a few high signs, but even more head shakes and there was this cute thing that gave me a big smile in Attica, well that warmed me up a little, woulda smiled back, but my lips wouldnt work, Oh now what ,the guy in front of me swerved to miss a little black thing in the middle of the road,.what's that a little tiny black kitten just sitting there scared to death in the middle of the road, hope the pipes scared her off, hope the guy behind me missed her, if not, ,,,no where to turn around , poor little alien, OK now hitting RT #2 and headed over the bridge, the bay is flat, no wind that's good, but it's a little colder now, as the water temp is only about 40, boy its' really cold in here now, all except my right foot which feeels like it is blistering, drive out past the point and the ferry dock, Lake is really flat, but man is it cold, get the Condo door open man do I have to Pee, where is that darn toenail clipper, I just have to have a reason to tell the wife why I came all the way up here, OH yeah and checked to make sure the coffee pot was unplugged and the toilet seat was down, that ought to be enough reasons, well I should stop at McD's and get some hot soup before I head home, but you know it looks like its going to rain now, not supposed to but it sure looks like it, better go now heading back over the bridge now back to the warmer air away from the water hey I think I'll go down through Castalia and Bellvue, maybe get some more thumbs up, and high signs, maybe even see another cutie, nope just a few sorrowful head shakes, boy just passed a cut bean field and the pipes where howling never saw so many blackbirds take off at once, glad they going the other way, getting darker up ahead I bet it's raining in Attica , hope no train going back, yep south side of Attica started to sprinkle, wonder which of these toggle switches is the wiper control, boy those little things are cute, not very efffective, but cute, and they go faster now that it's no longer sprinkling and is now a full rain, Hey you guys were right if you go fast enough, (but not fast enough to lose your hat) , the rain goes over the top, that's neat, cept my left knee is now wet I think, cause it's so cold I'm not altogether sure, crap I hope it stops before I have to go through New Washington, no, not a chance and guess what school is out and you got 20MPH speed zone and all the cool High school dudes are now making fun and laughing , but the girls are all smiling, note that, OK clear the city limits, time to get this Bad Boy back into the garage, damn My Zaino job looks good now, the water just running back past the scoop over the hood and down my left pant leg, why couldn't the leak be over the right leg, to put out that fire down there in my shoe, 20 miles to go, raining faster, driving faster, Stop sign, dang traffic on Rt #30 too many trucks, OK blast through only 5 miles to go, I wish it would stop because the tank is only half full and I need more V-Power before I put it away, for good, for the winter, OH well guess I better not call the Insurance man quite yet, I remember hunitng rabbits one year a long time ago and noted that on December 21 that year it got up to 81 degrees, and I even saw a garter snake sitting on a rock, in the sun, and it was 81 degrees, and it was December 21st, only 4 days before Christmas, and this is only the 8th !,,,,Merry Christmas you all!