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A month ago I paid one of my Horses at work $10 to help me detail Gunrack. I don't like crouching down much, knees are shot, eyesight is... lacking.
Last week we had the Christmas parade.
Yesterday at work I mentioned that today was supposed to be pretty and reasonably warm, and that Gunrack was filthy from the parade.
My boss informed me this morning that there was a 3-way fight at work after I left, two Horses and Bosslady (my avatar).
Bosslady won, sort of. She compromised by working herself and the two Horses split-shifts today, so I will have three young lions spit-shining Gunrack this afternoon in my driveway.
Where all their friends can see them, of course.
It's gonna be a long afternoon, but y'all know I'm gonna love every minute of it. I truly love the young people I work with.
Old age and treachery will beat youth and enthusiasm every time.
Eagles soar- but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.