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Old 12-18-2004, 06:19 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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Hey, Mikie! Looks like a cobra day here! It's 7:30, sun is shining, birds are singing, maybe 38*, (a little frost on the yard) and yup, looks like a Cobra day... (going to my first SCAT event today!)

Kristen What's this snow stuff ya'll keep talking about?
Well, Peter is now 14. Had family get together last night, got a few friends coming over today to go to Dave & Buster's. Dad gets that duty! (I believe it's a grownup Chuck E. Cheese....)
Anyway, I planned this party from 12:30 to 5. My SCAT event is from 2-4. Am I a logisitics expert, or what?? I'll get home at 4:30, ready to put cake/ice cream out, open a few gifts, then all done! Next son has a party 6-10 (to go to). It all works....
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