Thread: Ignore (EOM)
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  #813 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2004, 06:21 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #291 *has left the garage*
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woke up to this bad dream: K.C. (little chihuahua) and Cobra and I were in a road race/rally, and it was a baaaddd race. People crashing into folks on purpose! When I woke up, K.C. had been hit and I left the car and carried my dead dog. Well he recovered, and I ran back and got my car, and everything went on as planned! Weird dream....
Have a great day, I'll be out almost all of it!!
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09
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