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well, sugah daddy hadn't brought me my first cup of java yet. I wasn't in my right mind....
I AM BACK!! no white stuff, no driving cobra's today, and I want my blasted ring! Still!
Saturday morning in jammies, slippers, playing on computer, kids can be bums all day, (play on those wicked little black boxes - hey, my computer is black!) and not have all the worries of LAST saturday!
There's a little cheese factory up in Michigan, Wisconsin I don't know somewhere cold and far away that makes the best Stilton. I believe they just announced that is, indeed, what the moon is made of! Cheese rocks, on the MOON!
there, is that better???
i get to drive pepe today. i get to drive pepe, today. i get to drive pepe today.....
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09