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Mr. Anthony,
I regret you choose to impart your opinion in this form and on this thread about the verdict of the courts being just or not. I am the first to support your right to that opinion but feel your education and experience should have taught you RESPECT for the moment. The two issues are not related. You are a ASS in my opinion. This case was already settled in the courts. What good does your TEACHING us exposure and effect times have to do with the delivery of a product he paid for months ago? IF HE was a smoker then he deserves to be screwed. Do ya think SAI/Finishline is giving money back to EXXON who ( quote " WAS SHAFTED OUT OF 5.1 MILLION")
Start another thread and argue your position about exposure and time until signs of a disease show up and the unjust verdicts. We can then choose to read and comment on your position or not.