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From the info given, I agree that Dwayne was/is being screwed by Finishline. The right thing to do would be for Finishline to get Dwayne his car, for the agreed upon price, and add some free extra's.
Nobody deserves cancer. People get it. Alot of people get from their own actions. It just wasn't clear from the press release what was going on, and it wasn't clear to me who was screwing who, and the judgement means nothing to me as to what really was going on.
The point I was trying to make is that it is "the american way" to screw people in business. Dwayne was getting screwed from Finishline, and I thought there was a possibility that Exxon was screwed from the info given. Just that everybody seems to be screwing everybody else. I commend Kirkhams and others who have donated their time and resources to help Dwayne. Thank god not everybody in america is trying to screw somebody else.
Anybody can post anything on the net. I don't believe everything I read. In business, I learn that many people can have hidden agenda's. I've learned to be skeptical.
I hope Dwayne responds well to his treatment, as I also wish with all my patients.
"After jumping into an early lead, Miles pitted for no reason. He let the entire field go by before re-entering the race. The crowd was jumping up and down as he stunned the Chevrolet drivers by easily passing the entire field to finish second behind MacDonald's other team Cobra. The Corvette people were completely demoralized."