I have 4.5 power valves ,carries 9-10 at idle I can actually accelerate slightly without droppnig below 9.
I'm now questioning if it is the fouled spark plugs that are causing the miss = carb problems or is the miss causeing the fouled spark plugs = ignition problems.
It has only crapped out while driving , usually within ten minutes from starting the actual drive . No hint at idle or in neutral. I do a warm up to get
oil temp before I start getting into the throttle . The carbs may need some finite tuning still but they look great they are dry and not drueling gasoline any longer.the carbs dont fume once the engine has stopped either.I have checked the powervalves( not blown or leaking) and the backfiring happened months ago before I had the carbrueters redone . For the next test, I have now bypassed the new balast resister .Just received that message from Mallory teck. " Balast resister is used only when eliminating the CD box with the shorting plug "so car could be driven with just the distributor and coil.system gets full voltage with box in operation . that wasn't made clear in the wiring diagrams I read . I'm now waiting for my neighborhood towing service to be home waiting by the phone just in case.