Dwayne and Hogdealer,
Per your request, I paid a visit to Finsh Line and Kroyer's today. I met breifly with Roy Hunt and his staff. They were very polite and were more than willing to accomodate pictures being taken of the car. I uploaded the pictures (25) at Imagestation. Here is the link.
The link should open to an index of the pictures. Album name is Dwayne's CSX 4311. I also took a quick shot of Shelby's Daytona Coupe that resides there. Maybe Brent or Computerworks can create a gallery for Dwayne here at Club Cobra. I will also post one pic on this reply
Per my conversation with Roy Hunt, he still beleives the car will be ready on 1/15/05, but. "it will come down to the wire". Apprarently they are still waiting for a bunch of small pieces to arrive. As I have never seen the car before, I cannot comment on the progress since Dwayne's last visit. The car does appear to be in the final stages of completion though as the suspension is hung and wiring is largely complete. The fuel cell has also been installed and plumbed. The enigne is across the street at Kroyers. I spoke with Kevin Kroyer and he allowed me to photograph the engine. Kevin stated that the engine is complete and has been dyno tested. Finish Line has not picked it up yet because they are not yet ready to install it. Kevin stated that he can also email pics to Dwayne shoud he request.
Dwayne, I want to think you for the opportunity to allow me to see and photograph your Cobra. It truly is a beatiful car and silver with black stripes is my favorite color combination. With hope, these pictures will put a smile on your face and make your holidays a little brighter. I ask for only one thing in return. I would very much like to be there on 1/15/05 when you take possession of the CSX 4311 Beast. I want to see you drive that car.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas