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I had EM make a new set of headers in 2000.They had me send my old ones .They adjusted there jig for front to back but didn't adjust side to side ,my engine is 3/4" off center. I had to send them back with exsplicet instructions what to lengthen and what to shorten and how much.I had 2" pipes they made 1 7/8". My old pipes #5 went up and steering went under. now my steering goes over all pipes. My sidepipes were made from the wrong mufflers .they sent another set of muffelers . I was modifing things anyway before ceramic coating.
I have since ordered heavey SS tubing for bumpers , bumpers, a convertable top, and side curtains. I have since found My windsheild is at a different angle and not easily changed. I wiil see if the top can still be used and last year they offered to take the sidecurtains back and manufacture new ones off a pattern that I will supply.
Their reorganization worried me because they have been a good source for parts I needed for my older EM. If they say a part is Stainless Steel it is.The time thing is my fault , and I didn't know everything about this stuff as I should have.
Mike H