18* outside! brrr. Snow is still on the ground. Guess that's all we'll see for a while.... Still looks pretty.... Glad you like the pic, Ron! Feel free to copy, I feel that anything in somebody's gallery, post is "fair game" and certainly "public domain".
It was fun taking the pic for all you guys, just sorry the Cobra wasn't in it, with a big red bow on top!
I tried posting the photo straight from computer to thread, but couldn't do it... need to get out your directions from months ago and see if it makes any better sense, now. Had to put it in the gallery first.
Earl: Sunnyvale is a precious, sleepy town about 5 minutes from Dallas.

If I got high enough above our house I could probably see downtown.... East of Dallas, next to a suburb called "Mesquite". Like the firewood, mesquite, grilled yadayada.
It's very proud of its small town-ness, and has no Police dept. The dallas county sheriff's dept. patrols, and patrols well, I might add! (haven't gotten me yet, but lots of looks) - in the Cobra, I mean!
So, Ron, 29 again? Do you FEEL 29 again? When are you getting back the Carb? Cold and windy where you are; cold and breezy here. Well, lots to do today. Grocery store, wrap presents. At least the blasted cards are done! None of you guys pm'ed me to get a card!
have a great day, guys. oh and Mike, it looks like you've flown by... oh well, I'll catch ya later...