This thread is still going strong...............I still say that this is evidence that Brent needs a chat room!
Mike: Driving a Cobra in DC is taking your life into your own hands. Believe me, I live in Chicago and it's no picnic here either.
Well, I was supposed to leave for Michigan and Ohio today to visit my family for the Holidays. It's not looking too good. SNOW -SNOW and yes..........more SNOW! (sorry for saying the "s" word, but our luck has run out here Mike). Looks like it will just be me and the wife alone for Christmas this year (thank God!!! ;-) ). Heck, we didn't even put up a tree this year because we thought we were going to be gone! Plus, my wife's folks (who live near us) left for Florida a couple days ago because they thought we were going to be gone!! Jeez.......alone for Christmas this year. My sister and her screaming kids will just have to do without. Oh well............
I guess I'll throw another log on the fireplace, throw in another good Christmas video (just finished watching "A Christmas Story") freshin' up my scotch, and snuggle with the wife on the couch.......ALONE.
..........I just love it when a plan comes together!
Merry Christmas Everyone!! ......and thank God for SNOW!!