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Old 12-26-2004, 07:58 AM
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Default gooodddnnnessss, glad that's over....

just got awakened a little while ago by little cobra girls screaming their heads off. The sweet sugar of Christmas didn't last long....
Hubby is doing his good deed for the day, and delivering "communion to the shut ins" at church- (your category Ron, just kidding, just kidding). Graham is asleep in his clothes on the sofa. Probably got his headphones glued to his ears. Peter never made it home last night; spent night at cousins. The house looks like a tornado path. Ugh.
UT: can't believe you came all the way to Dallas and didn't bring me the pizza you owe me.... Hope the day wasn't a total bust... I spent the day at inlaws, and by 6 pm was looking at hubby, get me out of here!!! Left by 8??
I did have a piece of pecan pie for dinner, in bed, at 8:30! Best part of the day... then the munchins came home...
Regarding the directions: I'm not the kinda girl that uses them myself, but yes, at some point it doesn't hurt to get a starting point... and if ya'll go to Target and see this thing, the box alone is 2x3x2, you'd cut me a little slack... Bratz girl condo is assembled, and nothing was missing and nothing is broken! Hubby got the bike, and he bought it assembled. cheater....
Well, well, well, what did I get, Tru? you ask? From 2 boys, to CD's. very nice. from 2 girls, cute "fake" jewelry, very sweet and fun as they actually went and picked it out...
From hubby? nothing yet!.... but we know what...
my sister in law (from hell, I mean, Houston) asked what he got me, and I said well I hadn't gotten it yet, but it was coming.... Of course she looked puzzled, and hubby said "she wants tools - like a lift and tools to work on her car". She said "Kristen you are so weird - why not something normal like a coat?" (that's what she got...)
So far, I've gotten 2 pairs of jammies, and i know one more is coming.... year for pajamas!
So, where's Mikie this morning? Still sleeping? He's got nearly 30 posts on me... oh well, guess I'll probably lose that challenge; that's ok.... ultimately I win, CAUSE I GOT THE COBRA!
So, Tru, that big box was yours with the bore sighter in it? Good for you... I don't know what that is, but guess it's for the car???
Guess it could be a bore sighter for a rifle, shotgun, maybe... maybe not... haha
impressed Ron that you could change out the carb and go for a quicky ride. not sure yet where the carb is, but I'll look it up... is that what's under the air filter and turkey pan? Something about the air flow?
Hope you guys feel good today, and you get some R&R.
Hey, Mike whatdya get??
talk to ya'll later.
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