Yes the carb is the thing that the air cleaner sits on and fastens to. And it is inside the turkey pan. They aren't difficult to take off and on. I think it takes me about 10 minutes and that is because I am careful to not spill any gas. Glad that your Christmas turned out so great. As for you sister in law, how did she lean that you are werid so fast. Took most of us a month or so to realize it.
Glad that you got the bore sighter. Please explain to Kristen where you are going to mount it on the Cobra.

And the last bird that tangled with the Cobra is sorry for doing it. No poop, just miles of guts and feathers. I have twin pusher fans and he decided to fly into the air intake and fight with the fans.
And for anythat think they may have over ate, I beieve I must have gained at least 10 pounds. Boy, do I hate the morning after a pig out. Ate alost 2 pounds of ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, various salads, and then topped that off with two pieces of pumpkin pie. I just discovered a new meaning to misery.
There is a river a few miles from here where every year the salmon come to die. Talk about a stench. We drove over last Summer and looked at thousands of them laying dead in the shallow water, some huge ones. There are so many of them that even the vultures and other animals quit eating after a day or so.