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hey, Mike! good for you! What color is the Cobra? what scale? 1:1 ??!! just kidding.... Regarding the digital camera: I use mine strictly for Cobra type stuff, and computer use.... The memory sticks are kinda pricey, so here is a piece of advice:
After each event I attend, I take the MS to walmart, or such, and put it in their machine. I print only the pics from that event, and then I have them to enjoy. I delete the bad photos, and then eventually the memory stick is full. I then take the full MS to lab, and have them burn a CD. If there are any pics I missed I'll have them printed, but for the most part I'm just burning the CD. My MS holds around 150 pics, and if you wait until it is full to print all at once, it gets pretty expensive. Also, it could take a while to fill up the stick... I bring the cd home, and make sure it pulls up on the computer. THEN I delete off the MS. Don't delete any pics until you KNOW it'll come up on the computer! Nothing worse than deleting the MS, and the CD not work... This way you don't have a lot of money tied up in memory sticks. I have a small quantity m stick I keep handy, just in case I haven't taken the full MS to the lab. Anyway, keeps costs down, and works for me! I do print some at home, but since the printer and inks on home computers are not proven for longevity, I prefer to take the MS to the lab, and run it thru their chemicals. I feel this process will ensure my pics last longer....
If that sounds too complicated, sorry!
off to start cleaning the war zone....
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09