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I’ve never really vacationed in Hawaii but have dreamed of sitting on the beach drinking Mai Tai’s while watching the bikinis wiggle by. The closest I got to a Hawaii vacation was a two-hour Army lay over while flying from California to Okinawa. Our Army, in their infinite wisdom, leased a commercial airliner and loaded 250 troops on this flying cattle car with wings for redeployment. It was a terrible flight…long, bumpy, stuffy; hell even the stewardesses were ugly! But what I remember most on landing was the fragrance of flowers and the ocean smell. Even today, I can close my eyes and in my mind I can still inhale wonderful scents.
Perhaps I make a Hawaii vacation a 2005 New Year’s resolution. I’ll give you a call if I’m ever in your neighborhood.
If you can't drink it, eat it, "kiss" it, spend it, or drive it fast...get rid of it!!!!