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Webers are for cheese eating surrender monky's and guys who wear blue sports coats with gold buttons with mechanics named antionio...
That said webers offer a greater tunability over a wider spectrum than MOST (not all) 4 and 8v configurations. They look pretty cool too. The thing is what's great at 6000 rpm may not be great at 2500 rpm.
Big foot is right. Nothing beats an EFI. You can do a retro efi that looks like a set of 48 IDAs and you will be very happy. But you will look like a cheese eating surrender monkey (IMHO).
A man that is young in years, may be old in hours, if he have lost no time. But that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second. For there is a youth in thoughts, as well as in ages... Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)