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Cant agree that "Carroll Shelby doesn't owe ANY of us sh1t"
Maybe thats true of Kirkham, ERA, B&B, etc,etc, customers, but don't you think he owes something to the people who spend the considerable extra bucks to buy HIS product ??
Like Dwayne ?
I was serious when I suggested that Shelby deliver the car to Dwayne personally.
Personally, I think Shelby DOES owe something to all the Cobra replica owners/drivers, for it was (and is) them that kept the Cobra mystique alive after Shelby walked away from it, only to come back after he saw there was a market and money to be made in the Cobra business !! He makes REPLICAS also!!
Dwayne paid for a SHELBY Cobra, and no matter how Shelbys Cobra replica business is structured, he is the one person ultimately responsible for its conduct. If not in the courts, then certainly in the court of public (read Cobra enthusiasts) opinion.
Finishline and the dealer that sold the car should be taken to task by Shelby (or his legal reps) to whatever degree necessary to rectify this (and other , if they exist) situation , as it appears that many customers deposit money was been mis handled.
In my previous (or previous to that) post I was careful not to say what I really felt, so as not to stir the pot any more than it already is. But I was biting my tongue, thinking what the he11 took so long for Shelby to step in! And the obscure mention previously that "the proper people were working on the problem behind the scenes" was of dubious significance, given all the excuses flying around through this whole mess !
Pat read your first statement again .
He doesn't think about us, or worry about what we think?
You don't think he was thinking about us when he was planning his "continuation" series , or his series one car, or planning the viper with Dodge, or the new Cobra with Ford? Of course he was!! WE are his MARKET!!
Send all the flaming arrows you wish.
But have a good day.
Ted Radtke
"When Injustice becomes Law,
Rebellion becomes Duty." T. Jefferson