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Old 01-05-2005, 09:50 AM
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I doubt that Mr. Ford is any more responsible for what one of his dealers did or didn't do than is Carroll is regarding the misdeeds and the poor business practices of one of his dealers. I'm sure he can and will do something about it after the fact, if the dealer is not out of business by then.

Contrary to the criticism in here, (having learned about Dwayne's predicament) he IS now involved and seeing to it that the car IS finished and delivered.

Should he have been aware of it earlier? I don't know. Was he? Perhaps. He may gave been assured by the parties involved the car would be done. Hell, they even convinced Dwayne and his attorneys that they would finish the car. Why wouldn't Carroll believe the same.

It wasn't like the car was being done under his nose. It was sold and was being completed by one of his dealers somewhere else.

Now that Shellby the Man, Shelby the Manfacturer has gotten behind the project and as been posted earlier, Carroll plans on calling Dwayne, seems we should give them an opportinity to do so.

As for the others who did not get their cars on time, I see only two names in here that fit that description here on this thread, where we have been repeatedly told is about Dwayne's car.

Those people have other opportunity's everywhere to voice their opinions, demand, sue, get a refund or whatever they want to do.

Most of the contributors to this thread don't fit in that category.

Some have demanded an accounting from those who are behind the scenes doing what they can do to get the car finished. Somehow those people are bad people too, because they would rather work behind the scenes.

They sure in the hell don't owe anyone any explanation.

This is about Dwayne's car, isn't it? We will ALL be happy when and if this car gets delivered, won't we? Without any exceptions I hope.

OBAMA IN in 2012

Last edited by Turk; 01-05-2005 at 02:49 PM..