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Old 01-08-2005, 10:41 AM
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It doesn't irritate me when you don't "capatalize", it should irritate your elemantary school teachers when they see how you STILL can't spell.

"Why don't I think cKirkhams couldn't complete the car"? I imagine they could. I wasn't concerned about that.

How was the engine that wasn't paid for was going to be secured. Were Kirkhams going to have to write check to the engine builder for $40,000 to release the engine?
Did Kirkhams know what all parts and pieces were missing? Did they have all the Shelby gauges and other propreitery parts in stock to finish this car?

That is why I was questioning the wisdom of taking the car to Provo, and reliefing the obliged from their responsibility of finishing a job they had agreed to and got paid for.

Remember one thing, as nice a gesture as it may have appeared, this wasn't about Kirkhams, it was about Dwayne , his car and Roy Hunt as well as Shelby's responsibility in getting the car DONE.

You and in the future (I'm sure) will have ample opprtunity to compare what Kirkhams are capable of and what they are not.
Out of respect to all parties concerned, let's leave it at that.

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