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Curt, Thanks from all of us keeping up.
Speaking for myself, and hopefully the vast majority of those reading and posting on this thread, I truly appreciate your offer to visit Finishline and upon return, post some pictures of Dwayne's Cobra with people swarming over it as it nears it's completion. As we have prior pictures posted earlier in this ever-growing thread of progress made on the car that has taken over two years, some visible proof- hopefully with humans included, and working, will go A LONG WAY to easing the tension this thread has caused.
My true fear, as I believe is common to most posters, is that the cancer beats the car to the finish line. I lost a very close friend, and fellow founding member of the Texas Cobra Club to brain cancer in 2003. Dick lasted almost three months and at least he had time to get things in order before the cancer took him and i think of him every day. This just hit WAY too close to home for me, so I truly hope you can return with some very positive visual proof that Roy Hunt is finally making good in a promise.
I am waiting, with my fingers crossed behind my back for some good luck for a change.
John Russell
Just ONE of the founding members of the Texas Cobra Club, and PROUD of it!!
2005 TCC President, and Proud of that also!