I strongly recommend that you check out the Bertil Roos Driving schools.They have a web site,,which is quite detailed concerning their programs.their phone number is 1-800-722-3669.Ask to speak to Dennis Machio,who runs as well as instructs at the school.The schools are held at Pocono Raceway in Pa. and Virginia International Raceway close to Danville,Va.They utilize Scandia Formula 2000 cars for the schools,which are open cockpit,open wheel models.
I have attended 2 of their 5 Day Race Schools and have found that the instruction is superb.I raced in their Race Series last year and will do so again this year.The value for money is excellent,and you will learn to accomplish exactly what Racer X #99 has stated above.And you will have more fun than you have had in a long time!I do not feel that it is necessary to drive one's own car at one of these schools as the principles of high performance on-track driving are applicable to any car.It's all about how and when to apply these principles which makes the learning experience fun.
If I can help in any other way,just send me an e-mail.Good luck!