Hi Guys,
I had the opportunity to attend the three day Bertil Roos F2000 racing school last year and I just made arrangements to take the second half of the school this spring so I can get my SCCA license.
The school is absolutely first rate in every respect.
Here are some of the highlights:
All the instruction is on the race track, no parking lot drills.
No speed limits rev limiters or follow the leader drills.
Passing is allowed from day one.
Side by side instruction is done in turbo Saabs.
Four sessions in the F2000 race cars per day. This may not
Sound like much, but these cars pull enough G's to
Wear a person out in a hurry. At the end of the day I was so
tired I could barely driver back to the hotel.
Zero liability for the first three day class.
$2500 limit on the two day school.
Compare the prices of the Bertil Roos with the other big name schools and you will be in for a pleasant surprise.
If you are considering attending a race school this year check these guys out. They offer group rates... maybe we can get enough Club Cobra Guys together for a class.
See you all at the track