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Old 01-11-2005, 01:40 AM
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I am sick and tired of people piling on our company.

So we had a little setback. Yes you gave is a deposit, but it is not like you can't do without a car. It is a luxury item, and if we didn't have our legal battles you probably would be driving by now.
12 moths, 14, moths what's the difference?

We asked you for your balance of payment , instead of sending the money you gave us bunch of grief... So, I put someone who is not as tight with money ahead of you.
You will get yours.

I have offered a refund, you won't take it. What do you want me to do?

Customer is not always right... You are a living example of it..

We have been in business over 5 years, and we hope to BE in business for atl east 5 more.

Check the used Cobra market and see why people want OUR cars over anyone else's. It is worth the wait!

You can hardly find one anywhere.

Customer Relations...

ps. Bill, don't listen to that Tony guy,. Good thing he is not one of my customer. he sounds like he wants to fight over a car, because he don't have the patience.. Sue me!
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Last edited by Turk; 01-11-2005 at 01:42 AM..
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