Sun is out right now and it is up to almost 48 degrees. Some dark and rain earlier but looking better now. I actually got out in the garage and went over the Torino Cobra with Wet Paint and got the sticky exhaust fumes off of it. Now I need to do the replica and then go over them both once more. I did the glass and chrome all while Iwas at it. Amazing at just how sticky the exhaust fumes can get when they settle on a car. First day in a month that it has been nice enough to get out and do anything.
Edit: Wow, sun is out and it is 53 and I went out and did the replica and now have the towels in the washer. Talk about black from that exhaust. But the next trip over them will be faster and make them shine better. No I am not becoming a waxer. That shows up the rock chips to much. People are out today like rats out of a hole enjoying this break in weather.