Greetings from Marque Madness, the first "all clubs" sports car festival
that will take place at Mazda Laguna Seca Raceway on April 28, 29, 30 and
May 1, 2005.
This event will involve many automobile marques with the opportunity to
participate in a variety of car related activities as well as social
Full weekend "Marque" registration for car and driver to include many "menu" events and some a la carte options (this list is subject to change due to availability and club input)
÷ Reserved marque corrals for all participating clubs - early sign-ups get best spots
÷ Spectator MM entry option with al a carte event buy-to-suit needs of member/family/friend
÷ Concours d’elegance by marque clubs with overall inter-marque MM "judging" of their best offerings.
÷ Rolex Grand American sports car series
÷ Parade laps for many "marque" participants
÷ On-track photos of registered cars during parade laps
÷ Swap meets – inter and/or intra marque
÷ Tech sessions by renowned product experts
÷ Autocross competitions between marques of similar vintages/specifications (Marina Airport – 5 miles from race track)
÷ Food and beverage with local entertainment to create a festival atmosphere
÷ Vendor midway and major sponsor feature displays
÷ Raceway Touring laps
Looks Like Lots Of Fun...
Let me know if you are planning on attending ???
For more infromation check the web site;