January 12th, 13th, 14th 15th........
Dwayne, hope you get your Cobra there mate and you get to have a few blasts around the streets and suburbs.
I know that there will be a convoy of Cobras and Cobra owners heading to Finishline if it's not ready...
Well done to all at 'CC' who picked up the baton and ran with it. Good to see 'CS' buy in as well.
Where now for 'Finishline' from here - January 15th??..
Guess all you guys over there will be keeping an eye open for the factory parts sale that Finishline will now have - 'SALE' NOW ON..
Unless some of you know something I don't, the 15th of January 2005 will/should mark the end of 'Finishline' and the closing of their doors. Particularly if everyone calls in their money..
No business person could operate or trade in Australia, as it appears that this 'HUNT' kangaroo has done ..oops nearly spelt his name wrong. The Crocodile man would have stepped in a sorted him...
How much money (deposits) has this company collected from you guys and not delivered...
Hope all you guys who have left deposits or money get everything back as well.
Again, well done to all at CC, to get to this position.
I take my hat off to you Danny (HOGDEALER) for having the foresight in placing this 'Thread'. You are a great mate.
..I wonder where Dwayne's Cobra would be today if this 'Thread" had not been started - parts on a shelf.
God bless you Dwayne, I hope to meet you at the 'Double Venom Spring Fling' in June with your car or at the 'SAAC' in Fontana in June..
criusing in your new ride...
Cheers all - stay safe.
I'll be looking out for the delivery photos on the 15th..