You guys better two aspirin for the fever....
Wait...wait... I can see it now .... a State trooper on this side of
Matteson. It' goes some thing like this.......
Trooper getting back into his car as he picks up his radio to call this stop in:
Yeah, yeah, that's right...No, you heard me right, some little coccky guy doing well over 100mph in a ... well I think its some kinda old race car or somethin'. Yeah but that's not the best part... He's wearing a skirt and pantyhose...???
Yeah, yeah ..Hey, Hey can you stop laughing long enough to check that plate for me???
Radio crackles back: 10-4 he's wanted on four counts.
Not being able to see over the hood,
driving to fast for wearing a skirt,
Crossing the mason/ Dixon line and lastly
I suggest you take him in.... IF you can stop laughing long enough
Trooper: On second thought better send some back up...
Here comes two red ones... one with a gold stripe doing 75
one with a white stripe going 55?