WCCC Special Announcement
The Volo Auto Museum Shelby Show – With Guest Appearance of Carroll Shelby - May 28, 2005.
The potential car turnout for the event is huge. (as this event is open to all makes and models of Shelby cars) and because the WCCC has been a supporter of Volo Auto Museum, they have saved us 50 spots of the 200 spots available. A general event announcement will be made at the World of Wheels next weekend and spots are expected to fill quickly.
There will be a special $30.00 registration fee to display at this event – with 100% of the proceeds going to the Carroll Shelby Children’s Heart Fund.
Car registration allows for entrance of two people – But remember, most WCCC members have free Volo family passes from last years Shelby show for their remaining family members.
All car owners displaying will also receive a commemorative dash plaque.
The event will run from 10am to 5pm
Be sure to mention the “Windy City Cobra Club” for proper grouping of our club together.
You must call The Volo Auto Museum 815-385-3644 to register your Shelby Automobile NOW.
Did I mention the beer garden?
This could be a big event for identifying and recruiting new members for the WCCC, so we need to be there in force….banners, tee-shirts and club stickers in place……..
Please register today and afterwards email
WindyCityCobraClub@comcast.net with the subject line “Volo Show” and let us know who is coming. I see a Snake&Eggs and a large rumbling caravan to the show.
Event Chair: Blas