Thread: Ignore (EOM)
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Old 01-24-2005, 08:17 PM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
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yea!!! After 121 pages Rick pops back in! Yea! Let's celebrate!!!!

Monday's are soo busy.
14 yr old son fell backwards over somebody's backpack and cracked his head open. Well, maybe not quite that dramatic, but he did require a trip to the Dr.'s office, and 3 stitches! The Coach called me up and said, well your son is fine... that always means, he's not dead, but.... talked the dr's office into doing it, so we wouldn't have to sit in emergency for 4 hours for a little cut. Split the skin a little bit a couple of inches above his left ear... funny thing he said it didn't hurt, and he didn't realize anything was wrong til the other boys said he was bleeding.... ugh....
so, gotta go clean up his hair, and tend to his booboo.
seeya. Kristen
trularin, when did I imply Earl was an alien? refresh my memory, please!!!
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