My 69 Torino Cobra has been smog exempt for many years because of the Historical Plates. But the 30 year old exemption won't work on a replica made now. It has to be titled under the year completed, IE 2005, and then you either use the year of the engine or the SB-100 route if you can get one of those numbers. A 1974 car is no longer smog tested, but it was built in 1974 and not 1975. Your Bee is exempt because it is pre 1974, and was actually built in 1969. I don't know of anyone who has a replica that was actually built before 1974, so I am not sure just how the DMV would react to that, and you could call 10 different ones and get 10 different answers. See the article in the March 2005 Kit Car Magazine dealing with the DMV and their confusion over registering replicas.