hmm. Sears book. My catalog hasn't arrived yet.....
Yeah, Ron, you ought to get a second set of wheels, with everyday tires on it. Then for special things, trade out the wheels with the vintage tires. Sounds good to me.....
It's Wednesday! yea!!! scrapbook day!!!
gotta clear off table of breakfast dishes, wash everything up, make hmm, 3 beds, (boys are upstairs, and on their own!) collect, separate start load of laundry. feed dog. feed birds. feed fish. tidy up. go play! What book to work in today.... mad at hubby, so not doing our book (didn't buy me hlc...) furious at #1 son, moody teenage attitude, not doing his book, hmmm. #1 daughter's book. She's now 8, but in her book she's only 4 months! yeah, I'll do hers.... Need to catch up school books, too. never ending.... but a lot of fun, and also beneficial to my pictures. quilting bee of the new millenium. I've about given up on ever acquiring HLC. I'm thinking of doing a tribute book to HLC. Would be funny..... yeah, I have a book on a car I don't even own! haha. My current book on Pepe is caught up. I doubt I make the dallas groups meet on saturday. hubby and #1 girl have indian princess campout, and both boys have basketball, and #1 son has his first soccer game. I don't think I fit in there anywhere! Usually hubby does the carting around a good bit of the hoodlums. Scout Sunday is this sunday. oh joy. I can't skip church and play with you guys on sunday! bummer. It's soo fun and sneaky to push hubby and heathen children out the door to church, and then lo and behold, mom just didn't make it this time. Oh well, gotta get religion sometime.....
well, I'm just rambling on. Guess since I'm not talking to anybody at home (silent treatment) I might as well blab blab blab to ya'll. Aren't ya'll the lucky ones!!!! Where's Mikie? Where's Earl? Haven't seen anybody in here in a while, except tru and Ron!
In fact this whole page is tru, ron, kristen and 1 post by Mike. hmm. where is everybody? Clay? Still monitoring ya'll at work?
somebody come play with me!!!