As has been stated several times, what we need here is a one year amnesty with the Legislature suspending the 500 limit for that year, and letting all people with any kind of car that needs to be registered under SB-100/1578 go in and get it done. The DMV can't change the rules, and just training them to register the 500 cars isn't going to solve the problem as the back log of people needing one of those numbers grows every year. If after the Coddington Incident, SEMA is willing to finally get involved, they should be encouraged to work toward this first and not just streamlining the process for the 500 numbers. The state would gain millions if they would do this as all cars not registered under SB-100 weren't done so to beat taxes. That was the only way they could do it before. Some people did lie about the value of their cars to beat the taxes, but that is a small percentage. And the state could have an estimator to give them the value of each car during that year as people came in and applied. But with just 500 numbers, the outlying DMVs can't even get into Sac. to get a number for anyone as the lines are tied up 5 minutes after the DMV opens on January 2nd or whatever day it happens to be. Then when they can get in, the numbers are already gone.