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Bob, I obviously cleaned the powdercoating out of the fulcrum shaft holes, but not the top housing mount holes. There are no runs in the powdercoat on the subframe, and I taped off the mounting areas on the housing, fulcrum shaft brackets, etc. before I had them powdercoated.
You're the engineer, so I'll do as you suggest; however, Rick Lake's suggestion to modify the fulcrum shaft holes in the subframe makes more sense, as having the fulcrum pivot point over .040 away from it's original position is going to affect camber as well as wheel position. I could weld the hole back to the correct "round" size and shape so the pivot point would be solid.
Make sense?
Also, the bolts weren't safety wired on this unit as they are on my original. I beleive Jaguar uses loctite now.
Last edited by Carnut427; 02-03-2005 at 01:02 PM..