What a pleasant day, here, too. About 60*, and reallly nice. Have brought home 2 extra little girls. Our school is hosting middle school basketball tournament, so one son stayed for that, other son will go help with 8th grade at 5:30, and we'll all go watch the 7th grade girls play at 4:30. Fun afternoon. Yes, I scrapbooked today. Very fun. No, Mike, I do not get tired of it. I really enjoy looking at my photos. And how cute and fun my kids used to be. Before they got this teenage attitude thing going.

I did all the books today; worked spring break '02. We went skiing for the first time, as a family. Went to Wolf Creek in Colorado. Left Littlest cobra girl home with in laws. We had a fun time, and the boys and 1 girl loved learning how to ski. It's fun to take them (the photos) from a ho-hum slip-in style album, to a fun, nicely decorated page that makes the whole trip come together. I take tons of pics, (as evidenced in my gallery) and I love to put them in the books. It is definitely my 'therapy' session for the week. All my old pics are in magnetic albums (bad bad bad) and I'm also working on replacing them from the magnetics. Lots to do, but fun to do....
Once Pepe gets back, I reckon I'll be spending a good bit of time getting him cleaned up and all pretty again.
Mike babysit my crew? Hmm. He's only a few months older than my oldest!! I wonder what kind of trouble they'd get him into???
I'd love to have Mike come visit. He'd love these 110* summers, I'm sure. And he can mow my 1 1/2 acres, and you don't even want to know about the roof.....