Cranky (Roger), John M., Rick, Scott, Morris, Dean, and others,
Just thought I would get a few juices flowing for the upcoming season of racing. I wanted to pose a few questions for those formidable racers that are pushing their cars all they way around the track:
Here is the scenario:
Coming out of some twisty turns and into a long straight (say 1500 - 3000 feet long) where speeds should reach 120 - 140 mph or better and into a HARD right (outside this turn is a gravel pit or maybe a cement wall) beyond this turn is a short straight and then an gentle left turn with plenty of run off (also assume there is no banking and all turns are relatively flat).
1. When do you brake: 500 ft., 400 ft,. 300 ft., 200 ft., ??
2. At what RPM do you downshift (if at all)
3. At what point do you get off the binders and power out of the turn?
4. What gear are you in going into the left hand turn, what speed?
Feel free to add any other scenario you would like. Just for kicks here are some tracks to consider:
Clois Harlan